New Year’s Craft Idea: Make an inspirational sign with your kid!

Supplies I used: Laptop, printer, printer paper, scraps of tissue paper, crayons, glue-stick, tape


1) Decide what message to put on your sign.  You might chose a “word of the year” or a combination of words that you’d like to use to inspire you for 2022.  If you’re not sure where to start, you can try this handy-dandy wheel and spin until you find a word that resonates with you. 

2) Type your message into a document, making the font large, and pick a font that you like.  I rotated the document to be horizontally oriented, but it depends on how you’d like to display your message.  Print! Fold as needed. (If you don’t have a printer or computer handy, you can just write your message with a dark marker on a piece of white paper).

3) Next, get your kid and try to get them in an artsy mood by explaining in simple language what the word or words mean (this might be the hardest part!). Then let them decorate your sign, asking them to please keep the text readable – maybe pick some soothing pastel crayon colors.  If you’d like, you can color it with your kid while you think about your inspiring word/mantra. You can use tissue paper, scraps of construction paper, scraps of ads, stickers, whatever you have on hand!

4) Display your sign where you and your kid can enjoy it every day!

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