Almost a Momma

38 Weeks Preggers —

Feeling like a bad-ass pregnant lady for a few minutes after a great day at work. Headed to my mat for another session of Yoga for Beer Bellies (TM pending).

Well, Baby, we are almost at the end of this phase, and we will be meeting face to face soon.  I haven’t written much in these past few months.  Your dad and I have been nesting like crazy.  We have a beautiful room ready for you filled with sweet, thoughtful gifts from friends and family who are fans of yours already.  Our hospital bag is packed, with 2 outfits, and socks and a hat and blankets for you.   You are moving around and kicking and tapping more consistently now; almost any time I hold still I can feel you moving.  The past week, and especially this weekend, I have been SO SLEEPY.  I slept basically the whole weekend, except when we were at another childbirth class and when we met with Elaine, our doula.  I guess that is good, because hopefully it means you are growing strong.  I think I have also been sleeping because as the weeks continue to add up, I have started worrying a bit: When will you come?  Will it be one or 3 weeks after I stop working?  If you come later than expected, will I perish from boredom and drive myself crazy waiting for you?  Will you be in the ideal LOA (Left Occiput Anterior) position for a natural birth?  Am I drinking enough raspberry leaf tea/eating enough fresh pineapple/doing enough of the “natural birthy” things to ensure I don’t have to be induced with meds?  Even though I generally worry a lot less these days, I worry a bit still.  I haven’t had significant contractions, nor have I noticed any other signs of your immediately approaching arrival.

So today I talked to my boss, who is pretty confident that my baby is coming in July, and we decided to open up 3 more days of my schedule to patients (I was going to stop a week before my due date – now I’m going to continue until 3 days before, and we may even add more days at the end of the week.  I feel much more relaxed just knowing I will have something to do those days, because truthfully, I feel better after working today than I did all weekend.  I will eat fresh pineapple, maybe not a whole pineapple a day (which was recommended).  I may make some more raspberry leaf tea, but I will drink it before bed and make sure I am also drinking enough water (because I noticed I was getting headaches after drinking it).  I will do recommended exercises for helping you get into a good position for birth, but I will not obsess about it – you’re still moving a lot. I will continue living my life, napping as my body tells me to, and taking walks and doing yoga when my body tells me to.

I have certainly slowed down A LOT during this pregnancy. It has been an interesting time for me—as I have mentioned before, it is strange for me to not be feeling great physically. In many ways, it has been good to slow down and focus on this very significant life change.  My days of arm-balances, and working on handstands at yoga, and hiking 10 miles of AT Rollercoaster for fun on a Saturday are simply on hold. My strong body has done some amazing things, but making you, Baby, is the most amazing thing it has done yet.  We look forward to snuggling you!



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